[Verdigris field note]
Name: Tenzin Yewong Dongchung
Date and Time:
2017.[September].[18], [12]:[18][am]
Location: 32-42, 41 street, Astoria
Subject: Setting up the experiment.
1. I printed out my recipe. I am going with Merrifield verdigris. P. 118.
2. After reading the scientific journals, I noticed that they were very specific with the measurement and scales. The Roja e. al article used in their recipe 1 a vinegar with ph of 2.97 (P1122). But I couldn't find a ph strip near my place. So I decided to go with Bragg Organic raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (with an expiration date of September 1, 2021).

3. I weighed the amount of vinegar as well as the weight of the copper strip. The first image from the left is without vinegar. Second is with the vinegar. The vinegar weighs: 39.6g

4. The room temperature was 27 degree celcius.
Actual process:
4. I poured 50ml of vinegar into the jar.
4. To suspend the copper, I wanted it to be secure. So I enlisted the help of my sister to pierce a hole on the two sides of the copper using a needle. I was concerned about the hole size and whether it would interfere with the forming of verdigris.
5. Then, I hung it inside and left it by my closet.
It was 12.41am when I finished the set-up.
Name: Tenzin Dongchung
Date and Time:
2017.[September].[15], [11]:[47][pm]
Location: 32-42, 41 Street
Subject: Follow up on Verdigris update
Temperature: 28 degree Celcius
Surprised to see that the color change came so quickly. It is a greenish blue on the dark side.
Name: Tenzin Dongchung
Date and Time:
2016.[September].[17], [12]:[15][am]
Location: 3242, 41 street
Subject: Follow up on Verdigris
Room temperature: 27 degree Celcius
The color looks similar to yesterday. The bottle itself looks slightly foggy(not sure this is the right word.)
September 19, 2017 6:53am
September 21, 2017 12:07am
Temperature: 26 degree Celcius
September 25, 2017
So it has been a while since I took a picture of the Verdigris. Since the weather has been particularly hot these past two days (September 24 and 25), I wondered whether it might have affected the verdigris chemical process. Currently, I have placed it in my wooden cabinet.
The temperature is 30 degree Celcius.
September 30, 2017 Wednesday 8:22am
Temperature: 28 degree Celcius
October 1, 2017 Sunday 11:27pm
Temperature: 25 degree Celcius
October 13, 2017
9am to 12pm

I took the verdigris and then using a palette knife, scraped off the dry verdigris from the copper. Then, I mulled the verdigris, added some oil and painted with it.

- note time
- note (changing) conditions in the room
- note temperature of ingredients to be processed (e.g. cold from fridge, room temperature etc.)
- document materials, equipment, and processes in writing and with photographs
- notes on ingredients and equipment (where did you get them? issues of authenticity)
- note precisely the scales and temperatures you used (please indicate how you interpreted imprecise recipe instruction)
- see also our informal template for recipe reconstructions